Namanskar !

Welcome to Antarnaad! The word Antarnaad is a composite of two words of Sanskrit – antar+naad. It means “Inner Voice”. Antarnaad is a project to bring together and curate the art and culture of India, to amplify the voice of a civilization which is as old as time.

In Antarnaad, we dream of compiling a treasure trove of everything beautiful, ascetic and musical which India has to offer to the world. You can expect to read in our blog, about the various art forms of this diverse and colorful country.

Long back, I was a child, there used to come a TV series called Surabhi, a cultural magazine which acted as the cultural kaleidoscope of the country . This TV series, and some magazines like Kadambini are the inspiration for Antarnaad, and we wish to make it a worthwhile repository of the treasure that Mother India holds in her bosom.

The dream is big and aspirations are high. Your love is all we require to achieve it. The journey begins …



Cover Photo Courtesy: Art World Saloon